Give Your Users Superpowers.

Does your software need more power? Rehance is the AI copilot that will 10x your users' productivity.

No card required
Quick set-up
100 free requests per month

🇪🇺 Compliant with EU AI regulation

Hand-Crafted for Hardcore SaaS

Under the hood, Rehance’s AI copilot can perform all the tasks that your users can—and it can combine them, automate them, and remix them for maximum efficiency.

The Ultimate Unblocker

Before, users that got stuck would have to search for documentation, watch an annoying product tour, or worse, contact support—now they just tell your copilot what they’re trying to do. Reduce churn and increase efficiency.

Pain Points Made Clear

Analyze your copilot’s usage data to figure out what your users are automating or struggling with in your SaaS.

How It Works

Rehance is the bridge between your users' requests and your code. All you have to do is provide the functions that can be called on their behalf.

Define your functions.
These are the actions your users can take via the copilot. Strictly typed and secure.
Integrate in minutes.
Add our drop-in script to your SaaS and connect the functions you defined to your app's functionality.

    'Create Issue': (params) => {
      return onCreateNewIssue(params)
    'Delete Issue': (params) => {
      setIssues((issues) => {
        const newIssues = { ...issues }
        delete newIssues[]
        return newIssues

Watch Rehance in Action

Ready to give your users superpowers?

Create an account and set up your integration in minutes.


  • 100 requests/month
  • 7 day request history


  • 500 requests/month
  • 100 day request history


  • 3000 requests/month
  • Unlimited request history


  • 5000 requests/month
  • Unlimited request history