Elevate Your Social Media Advertising Software with AI

Integrate an AI assistant into your Social Media Advertising Software to boost your clients' ad management capabilities. With Rehance, users can effortlessly optimize ads, analyze performance, and streamline their campaign creation process.

Intelligently helps users optimize ad performance, set up targeted campaigns, and analyze ad metrics in your app.
Strictly validates output and requires user confirmation.
Integrate in minutes with our drop-in JS script.

Transforming Ad Creation Into a Conversation...

Gone are the days of navigating through complex settings to create an ad. Now, users can simply describe their campaign goals to the AI assistant and watch as it sets up their campaigns for them.

See every user request and the context around it.
Use the data to improve your app's UX.
Track completion rates and tasks automated for your users.

Making Data-Driven Decisions Easier Than Ever.

Your AI assistant doesn't just set up campaigns; it analyzes their performance and offers actionable insights to improve results, all in an easy-to-understand conversational manner.

Connected to your app's operations. Strictly validated.
Pulls in data from your app's context to make decisions.
Integrated in minutes with our drop-in JS script or via API.

Ready to add AI to your Social Media Advertising Software?

Create an account and set up your integration in minutes.

What is Social Media Advertising Software?

Social Media Advertising Software helps businesses create, manage, and optimize ads on various social media platforms. It streamlines the advertising process, enabling companies to target specific audiences, monitor campaign performance, and adjust strategies in real-time. This software type brings the power of precise targeting and analytics to marketers, ensuring that their messages reach the right people at the right time.

Increase User Satisfaction & Reduce Churn with AI

Create an account and set up your integration in minutes.