Elevate Your ECM System with Smart AI Assistance

Implement an AI assistant through Rehance into your Enterprise Content Management (ECM) System to provide users with the ability to seamlessly search, manage, and categorize content. Increase efficiency and user satisfaction by enhancing your ECM system with intelligent, task-oriented support.

Intelligently helps users search and retrieve documents, categorize and tag content, and manage document lifecycles in your app.
Strictly validates output and requires user confirmation.
Integrate in minutes with our drop-in JS script.

Transform How Users Interact With Content...

From navigating complex document libraries to finding the exact content they need, your users will benefit from an assistant that knows your ECM system inside and out.

See every user request and the context around it.
Use the data to improve your app's UX.
Track completion rates and tasks automated for your users.

And Empower Them to Do More.

Our AI assistant doesn't just offer help or provide links to guides; it actively participates in content management tasks, making operations smoother and faster for everyone involved.

Connected to your app's operations. Strictly validated.
Pulls in data from your app's context to make decisions.
Integrated in minutes with our drop-in JS script or via API.

Ready to add AI to your Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Systems?

Create an account and set up your integration in minutes.

What is an ECM System?

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Systems are designed to manage an organization's documents and other content in a way that supports regulatory compliance, reduces risk, and enhances operational efficiency. These systems enable the capture, management, storage, preservation, and delivery of content across the organization. From handling documents, images, email, and other forms of content, ECM systems streamline the information lifecycle and facilitate easier access to corporate information assets.

Increase User Satisfaction & Reduce Churn with AI

Create an account and set up your integration in minutes.