Elevate Your WordPress Management Tools with AI

Integrate an AI assistant into your WordPress Management Tools to help users optimize their website operations. From plugin management to content scheduling, Rehance empowers users to elevate their productivity and efficiency effortlessly.

Intelligently helps users update plugins, schedule content, and optimize site performance in your app.
Strictly validates output and requires user confirmation.
Integrate in minutes with our drop-in JS script.

Streamlining Website Management...

Imagine your users being able to manage themes, update plugins, or schedule posts simply by interacting with an AI assistant. That's the seamless experience Rehance brings to WordPress Management Tools.

See every user request and the context around it.
Use the data to improve your app's UX.
Track completion rates and tasks automated for your users.

And Enhancing User Experience.

Rehance's AI assistant transcends traditional support by actively assisting in the execution of tasks, not just offering guidance. It's about making website management intuitive and more effective for everyone.

Connected to your app's operations. Strictly validated.
Pulls in data from your app's context to make decisions.
Integrated in minutes with our drop-in JS script or via API.

Ready to add AI to your WordPress Management Tools?

Create an account and set up your integration in minutes.

Increase User Satisfaction & Reduce Churn with AI

Create an account and set up your integration in minutes.