Configuring Your Actions

Define the operations that your users can perform with Rehance.

Actions are at the core of Rehance. They are the building blocks of the features and functionality that users can execute just by typing what they'd like to do into the chat window. In order for your integration to work as well as possible, you'll need to configure your Actions carefully.

An action should map to a single feature or function that your application can perform. For example, if you run a content management system for a blog, you might have some actions like:

  • create post
  • edit post contents
  • edit post title
  • edit post tags
  • edit post publish date
  • delete post

Creating Actions

You can create Actions in the Actions tab of the Rehance dashboard. When you create an Action, you'll need to provide the following information:

  • Name: The name of the Action. This should be human readable, as the user may see it when confirming whether Rehance's proposed actions are correct.

  • Description: A description of the Action. This should also be short and succinct, describing what the Action does. Rehance will use this to map the user's intent to the right actions.

  • Parameters: The parameters that the Action requires. These depend on your application, but should be the same as the parameters that your application expects. For example, if you have an Action that creates a new blog post, you might have parameters like title, content, tags, and publishDate.

Parameter Types, Validation & Visibility

Parameter Types

Each parameter has a type, which determines how Rehance will interpret the user's request and map it to valid action calls for your application. The following parameter types are supported:

  • String: A string parameter is plain text. This is the default.

  • Number: A number parameter is a number. It can be an integer or a decimal.

  • Date: A date parameter is a date. It can be a date and time, or just a date.

You can edit the type of a parameter via the dropdown.


You can also add validation to each parameter. This will help Rehance ensure that only supported values are passed to your application. To add validation, click the "More" icon to the right of the parameter type, then "Permitted Values" and "Add Permitted Value".

For Strings, you can add a list of acceptable string values. For Numbers, you can add a list of permitted ranges. And for Dates, you can add a list of permitted date ranges.

To clear the permitted values, click the "More" icon to the right of the parameter type, then "Permitted Values" and "Clear Permitted Values".


Finally, you can also choose whether a parameter is visible to the user. If a parameter is not visible, Rehance will not include it when asking the user to confirm the action. This is useful for parameters like internal IDs that the user doesn't need to see. To hide a parameter, click the "More" icon to the right of the parameter type, then "Visibility" and "Hide from User". To show a parameter, click the "More" icon to the right of the parameter type, then "Visibility" and "Show to User". By default, parameters are not visible to the user.

Editing & Deleting Actions

Always be sure to click the "Save Changes" button after making changes to an Action. To delete an Action, click the "Delete Action" button. This will remove the Action from your integration, and it will no longer be available to your users. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion before it is completed.